SimpleSpa supports selling series of services or bundle as a package using the POS
When creating a package, you can set the specifics of that package in the system including the services, the quantity (shortened to QTY) to credit, name, price, expiration and notes along with other settings listed listed bellow
To edit a package, press the button, the new popup will allow you to adjust price, qty, duration/expiration, description and the auto-deduct setting. Please note that Services cannot be added or removed from editing, and if you do require to add or remove services you will need to create a new package that will include a new set of services. Any changes made while editing will affect future packages i.e. if Package A has an original QTY set to 10 and it is sold to a client, editing the package and changing the QTY to 5 will not deduct from the package clients have on file (the same applies for expirations and price), changes affect transactions going forward
SimpleSpa allows you to customize various settings for each pacakge including:
This will be the package name that you will see in the POS
The total price for this package, regardless of the service price
The total service units which will be credited to your client once the package has been sold using the POS
Set the duration/expiration for the packages that have been sold
Add the respective service(s) to the package, these services are credited with the QTY specified. If you have commission enabled in your business, note that commission is calculated according to the total package price / by the QTY to find the per visit price when the client has a scheduled appointment (note that discounts do not apply to the commission for packages)
This is an internal description of the package that is being setup
At the time of the appointment, the system can auto-deduct the clients credit automatically. If this is unchecked, pressing the Charge Package Now from the appointment popup will deduct the respective credit from the clients credits
When making a sale, selecting the packages tab will show all available packages. To sell a package select the package which will display the associated services (and qty that will be credited). If the client has an associated service with the package, a -1 Credit will appear to deduct a single credit from the package in one go during the sale.
When an appointment is booked in SimpleSpa using the appointment wizard, during the summary page, if the client has credits for the service selected, an information section will appear showing the number of credits that the client has for the appointment.
From the clients page, select the client that you would like to adjust their package balance, and then navigate to the packages tab. From there you can press the pencil button to adjust the remaining credit balance they have.
Memberships are available if your account is connected with Stripe. Once the account is connected to Stripe a new tab will appear in the packages page which will show Memberships. A membership consists of two parts:
To view clients that have standing memberships, visit the Clients page, and then click on the Clients / Memberships tab which will bring up all clients that have standing memberships, there you can pause and cancel any membership you like.
Memberships can also be viewed directly in the client profile, and can also be paused/canceled if needed.
To pause or cancel a membership, find the membership that you would to manage in the Clients/Memberships tab and click on the to pause a membership. Pausing a membership will not charge the client until it has been unpaused and will resume on the scheduled billing cycle. If the billing cycle has passed the following billing cycle will be charged when resumed.
The to cancel a membership. Cancelled memberships cannot be restored and will be to be sold again using the POS.