SimpleSpa Documentation Current release v4.992

SimpleSpa offers a powerful gift card management tool, so you can issue and let your clients use their gift cards with a rolling balance. Our integrated payments also supports issuing custom magnetic Gift Cards that can be scanned and recorded with their balance always on check with our system. To create a Gift Card go to the Gift Certificates/Cards section in SimpleSpa, if you haven't already made a Gift Certificate create one now. You can enter a name, a cost (how much will the Gift Card be purchased for), and a value (how much will this Gift Card be worth). We recommend that you create one Gift Certificate to serve as a template (same cost/value), and if you have promotional Gift Certificates then make those unique. The template Gift Certificate should be used when you have a client wanting to purchase a variable Gift Certificate.

In the SimpleSpa POS navigate to your Gift Cards and select the Gift Card you would like to sell. If your client will want to purchase a Gift Card for a different amount than what you have set just use the template as mentioned above. Add the Gift Certificate and hit the button, there you can edit the Gift Certificate code, which is very handy if you have your own internal numbering, and the next field you can adjust the price to any price you like, hit update and the Gift Certificate is now ready to be purchased. If you have not set a custom number, SimpleSpa will automatically generate a Gift Certificate number for you.

After you sell a Gift Card/Certificate, you have the option to Print or even Email that unique number that was created to your client, hit either the Email or Print button and a new popup will appear where you can enter FROM information, TO information and optionally you can Hide the value and Hide also the date of issuance, if you are emailing the certificate please make sure that the recipient email is valid and after sending your client will receive a PDF attachment for the redeemable card/certificate. Both printed and emailed Gift Cards/Certificates have a scannable barcode which corresponds to the unique Gift ID that was automatically generated by SimpleSpa

To use a gift card, simply checkout a client or make a sale with the POS, there hit the Add Gift Certificate, and you will have the option to add the number of the Gift Card/Certificate, if you are using our integrated payments, you can also use your issued terminal to swipe your Gift Card number. After the number is enters hit Apply and you will quickly see the balance and the amount remaining in the balance will be applied to the sale. If the amount is less than the sale the balance will remain in the Gift Card for future use.

To use a two or more gift certificates, as you would normally redeem a single Gift Certificate, here you will comma separate them i.e. XYZ-111,XYZ-222 and then you would hit apply which will allocate the total from both Gift Certificates/Cards.

Issuing a gift card shouldn't end when a gift card has been used, with our integrated gift card system you can enter or scan an existing gift card an apply a new amount towards the gift card balance, this way you gift cards can also be a form of loyalty for your clients. In the SimpleSpa POS add a new Gift Card to a sale, then hit the button and there you can enter an existing gift card number, enter the amount that you would like to add and hit Update and complete the sale. The gift card will now have a new adjusted balance reflecting the new amount.

When a Gift Card/Gift Certificate has been originally sold, it has a starting balance; this balance is deducted when the Gift Card/Gift Certificate is redeemed. To quickly view the balance of a given Gift Card/Certificate you can:

  • Open the POS and press +Gift Certificate, there enter the voucher number and press Apply, this will bring up the current balance of the entered Gift Card/Certificate
  • Navigate to the Gift Certificates page, select the Gift Certificate template, and press the Gift Certificates Sold tab to view all/search Gift Certificates with their initial and current balance
  • Visit the Reports > Transactions - set a start/end date and enter in the search input limit gift certificates, the Gift Cards/Certificates will show in the format **CODE** and a send button will appear next to it if needed to resend the GC out
  • If this was sold to a client (not a walkin) navigate to the Clients > select the client that purchased the Gift Card/Certificate > Transactions tab, from there you will see all transaction items, the Gift Cards/Certificates will show in the format **CODE** and a send button will appear next to it if needed to resend the GC out

Each time a Gift Card/Gift Certificate is used, it is used towards a transaction, to view the redemption history of a Gift Certificate:

  • Open the POS and press +Gift Certificate, there enter the voucher number and press Apply, if this is a valid number it will bring up the current balance of the entered Gift Card/Certificate, there click on the button (this button will show only if there has been use on the specific Card/Certificate)
  • Visit the Gift Certificates page on the left menu, and click on any Gift Certificate Template, there you can search and filter the list and press on the to view a list of the invoices the code was redeemed for