SimpleSpa Documentation Current release v4.993

SimpleSpa let's you have your own unique booking URL

Assigning a url for your business

Navigate to Settings > Locations > [select your location name] > Website Tools
Click the checkbox, and fill out the URL that you would like for your business, with online booking enabled you have also the following options:

Show Prices

You can choose if you would like to display or hide your prices from your clients when they are booking online

Show Available Slots

You can choose if you would like to show only the available slots, or to display all slots and when the client clicks on a slot to display the availability for the respective slot

Staff Selection

Should your visitors select staff, or should it be automatic

Gender Selection

Some businesses want their clients to select whether they want a female or male staff member to provide their services


Select here from when clients are allowed to book (1h, 2h, 6h, 24h, 48h)

Online Theme Color

Here you can adjust the color of the top navigation bar for your unique SimpleSpa online booking address, we automatically adjust the text colors to match the color you have selected

SimpleSpa lets you adjust if you would like to allow multiple bookings, we currently support one multiple booking, with the ability to schedule parallel bookings i.e. a booking for a Manicure/Pedicure service at a Nail Spa with SimpleSpa is not only fast but efficient, your clients will select the service they want and the time & we intelligently allow those two services to be booked in parallel with two staff rather then one after the other.

If you have enabled Stripe and connected with your SimpleSpa account, you can accept online bookings with deposits up to 100% of the value of the service, for single service bookings (multiple service bookings are currently in beta and do not support deposits, nevertheless a valid credit card will be required if you do have deposits/require payment toggled on). When your client books with a deposit of less than 100% of the value, the Credit Card is stored securely on Stripe, so you will not need to ask for their card again when completing the sale, unless they will be paying with a different payment method. * Online Deposits are available exclusively with our Stripe integration

SimpleSpa also supports ApplePay for your business so your clients can book online even faster and more securely than ever.