SimpleSpa Documentation Current release v4.993

When making a sale or completing an appointment using the SimpleSpa POS, after a successful transaction you will have a print popup. There you can press the button to print on a regular printer. All transactions will appear on the printed receipt.

SimpleSpa is cloud based and will print on any printer or work with any device that is compatible with your computer and visible as a printer in the print dialog; When making a sale or completing an appointment using the SimpleSpa POS, after a successful transaction you will have a print popup. There you can press the button to print an receipt formatted for your receipt printer. All transactions will show up in a printable receipt.

* While we can't guarantee all receipt printers will work with SimpleSpa, we have customers who have connected other printers successfully!

When printing with SimpleSpa, make sure to remove the headers and footers so the receipts are more condensed.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open Firefox.
  2. Go to File > Page Setup.
  3. Click the three line icon in the upper right, and select Print.
  4. On the Print Preview page select Page Setup in the upper left.
  5. On the Format & Options tab make sure "Shrink to fit page width" is checked.
  6. Select the Margins & Header/Footer tab.
  7. Top, Right, Left, and Bottom margins should be set to "0.2."
  8. Set all Headers & Footers to "--blank--"
  9. Press OK to save.

Google Chrome

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Select the receipt to print and press the print button or Print Receipt.
  3. Make sure your receipt printer is showing in Destination
  4. Paper Size should be the custom Roll Size i.e. 58x297mm / 72mm x Receipt (or 72mm x 2000mm on Mac)
  5. Margins set to Minimum
  6. Scale 100
  7. Options Uncheck Headers and footers
  8. Options Uncheck Background graphics
  9. Press Print on the top to test the printout

Apple Safari

  1. Open Safari.
  2. Go to
  3. Click the Make a Sale button and make a sale, once completed and saved press Print Receipt
  4. On the Print Prompt
  5. Paper Size: (Select Manage Custom Sizes)
  6. - Press the + to create a custom size - rename it by double clicking and write "Receipt"
  7. - Paper Size Width: 72mm or 2.8inches
  8. - Paper Size Height: 100mm or 4inches
  9. - Margin Top: 0
  10. - Margin Left: 0
  11. - Margin Right: 0
  12. - Margin Bottom: 0
  13. Press OK
  14. Make sure "Print backgrounds" and "Print headers and footers" is unchecked
  15. Make sure in Paper Size the new custom size "Receipt" is selected
  16. On the top in Presets: “Save Current Settings as Preset…
  17. - Preset Name: "Receipt"
  18. - Preset should be available for only this printer when selected
  19. Press Print to print out your first receipt and make sure it has printed well.


SimpleSpa can print using AirPrint, we have tested various POS printers with success on iOS, we recommend that you always test any device prior to purchasing, to enable AirPrint on any legacy printer it needs to always be connected to a Mac running as a server, and then you will need to install third party software like handyPrint to enable AirPrint

SimpleSpa will work with a cash drawer that connects to the printer and pops open when a receipt is sent to print. Please verify with your hardware vendor that your cash drawer will work like that.

How to set up a cash drawer for Star TSP100 / TSP 113 / TSP143 printers

A cash drawer can also be connected to your the Star TSP100/TSP113/TSP143 printer. You can then ask the printer to open the cash drawer, whenever a receipt is printed.
  1. Connect the connector cable (the one that looks similar to a phone line) from the cash drawer into the receipt printer.
  2. Connect the printer to the computer (via USB)
  3. Open the Control Panel and select Devices and Printers.
  4. Right click the Star TSP100/TSP113/TSP143 printer (depending on which you have) and select Properties.
  5. Click the Device Settings tab.
  6. Under Peripheral Unit Type, select Cash Drawer from the list
  7. Under Peripheral Unit 1, select Document Top from the list
  8. Click OK to complete the process. Test a print out on from the printer to see if the drawer opens.

SimpleSpa is integrated with a certified pos terminals via our certified merchant services providers, if you have acquired a terminal from our partnering processor you can add it easily by going to your Settings > Locations > (Select your location) > Payments & Taxes there you can click the

You will have a new window pre-populated with your business information, please add the terminal serial number and a label that you would like to give that terminal for quick reference on the POS. Your terminal is now boarded and you can start processing Credit Cards from our POS with that terminal

* Currently only terminals issued by our certified merchant services can be boarded to SimpleSpa